Trail FAIR will offer group activities to help women and children heal from the effects of abuse with support from Columbia Basin Trust. Photo: Submitted

Giving a boost to Columbia Basin projects that focus on well-being

42 projects across the Basin were collectively disbursed $800,000

Families healing from trauma, people dealing with head injuries, and feeding low-income families and seniors with locally-grown green groceries are just a few social-centric directives in Trail and across the Kootenays recently given a hand-up from Columbia Basin Trust (Trust).

Through the Trust’s social grants program, 42 projects across the Basin were collectively disbursed $800,000 to invest into initiatives that, in their own unique way, focus on well-being.

Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre Society (Trail FAIR) is one of those recipients who will use their $3,750 toward a healing-from-violence initiative.

Trail FAIR provides accommodation for women, with and without children, who have left abusive relationships or experienced past abuse.

To supplement the one-on-one counselling women already receive, a new project will offer group activities to strengthen healing and connections amongst peers.

“Participants will work toward healing and build connections through activities that promote greater acceptance of themselves, opportunities for self-care and improved self-esteem,” said Janet MacNeil, Trail FAIR executive director. “When stronger connections and relationships are built through shared activities, women start to maximize their daily lives, future relationships and achieve work and educational goals.”

Another interesting project, this one at Trail Association for Community Living called “Education through Puppets,” was given $4,725 to create educational shows for children and adults with diverse developmental abilities. The puppet shows will focus on lessons about daily living activities and employment-related subjects.

Kootenay Brain Injury Association, which serves Greater Trail, Castlegar and Nelson, received $15,000 to expand intervention and counselling resources for their clients though the addition of music and art therapy.

A resource called “Farm to Friends,” run by the West Kootenay EcoSociety, was granted $35,000 to deliver fresh food boxes to low-income families and seniors. In partnership with local farms, this program launched last summer and proved to be very successful, supporting 60+ families and seniors with fresh food.

The outcomes of these social programs, the Trust explains, is for people in the Columbia Basin to have better access to community resources, build connections and overcome barriers through projects that aim to improve quality of life and enhance social wellness.

“Residents told us that improving social well-being in Basin communities continues to be a priority and is dependent on many factors, including having access to supports and resources, overcoming barriers like poverty, and feeling like you’re included in and belong in your community,” said Nicole MacLellan, the Trust’s delivery of benefits manager.

“Each of these projects focuses on addressing social challenges to enhance the lives of people in the Basin.”

To see the full list of recipients and learn more about Trust programs and initiatives, visit or call 1.800.505.8998.

Read more: Trust helps scouts hall become more energy efficient

Read more: Trust provides $500K physical health funding for Basin youth

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