GivingTuesday launches in Port Alberni

Literacy Alberni and the Alberni Valley Hospice Society have teamed up to bring GivingTuesday to the Alberni Valley.

Literacy Alberni and the Alberni Valley Hospice Society have teamed up to bring GivingTuesday to the Alberni Valley.

The inter-agency event will take place at Char’s Landing, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 29.

An American grassroots event that has gained a foothold in Canada, GivingTuesday takes place this year on Nov. 29, days after the consumer-driven Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It is a day for charities, businesses and individuals alike to get together and celebrate giving, as well as giving back.

“The focus of it is to celebrate the spirit of giving through the holiday season,” says organizer Graham Hughes, executive director at Literacy Alberni.

“There are simple ways people can participate.”

Literacy Alberni will launch a book drive in concert with the Community Arts Council: people are welcome to bring their gently used books down to Char’s Landing for donation. Some of the books will go toward the annual arts council book sale in May, and any books not sold will go back to the literacy organization for its little libraries.

The hospice society is asking for Canadian Tire money and Quality Foods receipts for Ty Watson House Hospice.

Port Alberni Association for Community Living (PAACL) will also be there, collecting clothing for its Clothes Drop Program Bins.


Alberni Valley News