Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team racers speed down the hill last season. (GKHAT photo)

Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team racers speed down the hill last season. (GKHAT photo)

GKHAT prepares for 2020-21 season

Registration will be live soon for all the GKHAT programs, including a new ski cross course

  • Oct. 2, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team (GKHAT) is gearing up for their 2020-21 season, with registration opening at the end of September.

As weather gets colder and snow starts to fly, the team will be turning their attention to their new ski cross course, which is set to open this season.

Ski cross is an event that involves technical skill, strategy and quick thinking through each and every run.

It involves four skiers racing head to head through a course peppered with jumps, rollers and berms, as they hustle to make it first past the finish line in order to advance to the next heat of racing.

Canada has emerged as a world leader in ski cross over the last few years, with Canadian skiers having won many World Cup crystal globes and Olympic gold medals as the sport increases in ski racing popularity.

GKHAT has had past and current Team Canada athletes, Dave Duncan and India Sherret, work with its skiers on a small introductory course over the past two seasons.

Regarding the new ski cross course, the Columbia Basic Trust and Dogtooth Construction were key contributors to the funding and providing the machines needed for the ground construction.

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort was also a partner in the endeavour, as the host of the course.

GnAR, the sister organization to GKHAT specializing in freeride, was also involved in the grant application process.

“We could not keep things rolling without our GKHAT parent volunteers showing up on event and race days,” read a statement from the team.

Prospective athletes can be registered online shortly, as GKHAT works to plan around a COVID-19 affected season.

The team is asking parents to prepare to be more involved this year than ever, to help keep kids safe.

“With the pandemic, we certainly will be asking parents to help out in ways that may be different from previous years,” read a statement from the board of directors on their website.

“For example, parents may need to collect athletes for lunch if the yurt or day lodge is not available to us.

“You will also need to be available to pick up athletes early if they start to exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19.”

GKHAT offers several programs, ranging in ages from U6 with their mini GKHAT team, all the way to Ski Academy for those aged 13 and 14.

Check out the GKHAT website for more information.

Golden Star