Glacier View Preservation Committee to be struck

Carter Power and Reg Crone are pleased to advise the community that they are in the process of forming the Glacier View Preservation Committee.

  • Aug. 10, 2017 8:00 p.m.

Carter Power and Reg Crone are pleased to advise the community that they are in the process of forming the Glacier View Preservation Committee.

The purpose of the new committee will be to preserve Glacier View Lodge as a secular care facility and the treasured community asset that it has been for so many years.

The new committee will look at all of the options available to preserve Glacier View Lodge and make recommendations to the community and to the leadership of Glacier View Lodge.

We would welcome support and suggestions from anyone who shares the belief that Glacier View Lodge must not be “transferred” to Providence Health Care. Such action, if allowed to happen, would mean that a first class residential care facility, with assets estimated to be worth $20 million, would no longer be held by a community based charitable organization but would become the exclusive property of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) would no longer be available to residents.

For additional information and/or expressions of interest and support please contact one of the following –

Reg Crone – phone 250-339-0147; email

Carter Power – phone 250-218-1499; email

Comox Valley Record