Glass disposal options limited

Going to the landfill to recycle glass, in the opinion of Armstrong council, is not convenient for city residents.

Going to the landfill to recycle glass, in the opinion of Armstrong council, is not convenient for city residents.

Multi Material B.C. starts its new recycling program Monday, a program that does not allow glass to be recycled in the blue bins.

The Armstrong Bottle Depot was the only place to take glass in the city but council said the bins have been removed, leaving city residents to take glass objects to the landfill in Spallumcheen.

“As it stands now, we don’t feel it’s very convenient,” said Coun. Kelly Rowe.

Coun. Ryan Nitchie believes there is a gap now in the MMBC recycling service level, and said it’s incumbent on the Regional District of North Okanagan, as the supplier of solid waste services, to come up with solutions to the gaps MMBC presents.

“Ultimately, the success of the recycling program in the North Okanagan is based on the fact we’ve tried to make it as convenient as possible for the residents,” said Nitchie.

Coun. Shirley Fowler thinks it’s good for the city to be proactive.

“If we can find kind of an easy solution of having a bin somewhere in town as opposed to out of town, that’s the way to go,” she said.

Council voted unanimously in favour of a motion that calls for staff to investigate options for glass pick-up and recycling in the city limits.


Vernon Morning Star