Aaron Wesley and Kim Madsen are among the recipients of the B.C. Aboriginal Business Awards.

Aaron Wesley and Kim Madsen are among the recipients of the B.C. Aboriginal Business Awards.

Glen Vowell duo among top entrepeneurs

Entrepreneurs and business owners Kim Madsen and Aaron Wesley were among the selected recipients of an Aboriginal business award.

The third annual British Columbia Aboriginal Business Awards were handed out last week in Vancouver and local entrepreneurs and business owners Kim Madsen and Aaron Wesley were among the selected recipients.

The Glen Vowell pair were awarded the Business of the Year (two to ten person enterprise) for their business Three Rivers Contracting.

The Honourable Mary Polak, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation and Keith Mitchell, chair of the British Columbia Achievement Foundation honoured the two along with 18 other recipients at a gala celebration.

“Aboriginal business is vital to the province’s economic future and plays crucial role in the B.C. Jobs Plan,” Polak said. “This year’s recipients – from catering to construction to real estate – show the drive, creativity and entrepreneurship that characterizes B.C.’s Aboriginal business community.”

In addition, Mitchell added, “We are pleased to showcase the accomplishments of our recipients and to share their success with the community. Aboriginal business owners have achieved a level of excellence that is exemplary and inspiring for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.”

The awards were presented by the BC Achievement Foundation which was established in 2003 to celebrate excellence in achievement in the arts, humanities, enterprise and community service.

Smithers Interior News