Guy Barber in front of his jewellery store at 208 Mackenzie Avenue, circa 1915. (Revelstoke Museum and Archives photo 272)

Glimspes of Revelstoke’s past for April 8

Local history as recorded by the newspaper of the time

  • Apr. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Items from Revelstoke newspapers, as gleaned and edited by Cathy English, curator of Revelstoke Museum & Archives.

130 years ago: Kootenay Star, April 11, 1891

Mr. Boyle, President of the Revelstoke Smelting Syndicate, and Dr. Campbell, manager, announced that the roasting furnace of the new smelter would be started on the following Monday, to show that there is a smelter in B.C. that can turn out bullion.

120 years ago: Revelstoke Herald, April 10, 1901

Revelstoke watchmaker and jeweler Guy Barber, and his assistant R.N. Doyle received a compliment from the CPR’s chief watch inspector of Montreal. He stated that the accuracy of the 125 watches under their care showed the second best average for the past two months of any point on the company’s system. CPR employees were required to have their watches inspected every two weeks. Watches were required to run within 30 seconds from the standard at all times.

110 years ago: Mail-Herald, April 8, 1911

Mr. Kincaid, of the Revelstoke Land Agency reported brisk real estate sales, but also said there was a lack of rental housing. He said, “Enquiries are coming in daily for houses to rent, but there are few suitable residences to be had. In my opinion, it would be a good spec for dealers to put up a number of houses which could be rented for about $20 a month.”

100 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 7, 1921

Pioneer resident Thomas Bain died at the age of 66. He was Revelstoke’s first chief of police when the city was incorporated in 1899. He had active mining interests throughout the district, and discovered the Laurie mines at Illecillewaet, and the Dunvegan mines south of Flat Creek.

90 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 10, 1931

A rock slide came down at Calamity Curve near Beavermouth, east of Rogers Pass, reaching a length of over 100 feet, and tying up traffic on the CPR main line for more than 24 hours. Considerable difficulty was experienced in the removal of the debris, as rocks, boulders, and mud continued to come down.

80 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 10, 1941

The local campaign of the Canadian War Services Fund exceeded its expectations, raising over $3,000. The local objective was $2,500.

70 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 5, 1951

A Dog Story. Two dogs who are almost inseparable companions live in the Big Eddy. One, a purebred Alsatian, belongs to Frank Gregory, and the other, a large mongrel, belongs to E.M. Tait. The other day, while the Alsatian was walking on the ice, he fell into the Columbia River. Frantically he tried to pull himself out but the ice kept breaking off, and he could not get a foot-hold. Suddenly the mongrel appeared and immediately went to the assistance of his friend. After numerous futile attempts, he was successful in catching the collar of his chum with his teeth and pulled him to safety. Then the bedraggled pair shook themselves thoroughly and trotted off side by side, none the worse for their adventure.

60 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 6, 1961

Revelstoke’s boy’s bowling team won the Kootenay High School Bowling Championships in Trail and earned a spot in the upcoming B.C. and Western Canada High School Championships.

50 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 8, 1971

A 10 day walkout by CPR engineers ended just before a national strike by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was to begin when the company reached an agreement with the union. The 7000 engineers in Canada were to receive a 23% pay increase over 3 years.

40 years ago: Revelstoke Review, April 8, 1981

Roger Morrison, age 18, won the Mr. Teenage B.C. title and the Most Muscular Teenager title at the B.C. Body Building Championships in New Westminster.

30 years ago: Revelstoke Times, April 10, 1991

Revelstoke Esso Midgets took the provincial title in the B.C. Midget A Hockey finals in Chetwynd.


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