Karen Buchanan, on Sept. 27, rides her bike to work and recommends families that are getting into cycling to try riding along the waterfront, plane their route accordingly and to bring appropriate gear for the ever-changing weather in Prince Rupert. (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

Go By Bike Weeks kicks off in Prince Rupert

Change Makers' helps provide gear to those in need

  • Sep. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Prince Rupert cycling community began its 6th annual Go By Bike Weeks on Sept. 27.

The B.C.-wide event, running until Oct. 10, encourages communities and residents to hop on their bikes and commute to work, go shopping, visit friends and family or just ride for pleasure before the winter season begins, all in an effort to collect better cycling data.

“That data can eventually be used for creating things like safer streets [and] to encourage cycling lanes — because the more data we have, of users that cycle, the more resources can be put towards creating a safer environment,” Karen Buchanan, executive director of Change Makers’ Education Society and organizer of the cycling event in the city, said.

Registered participants are automatically entered for a chance to win an array of prizes including a trip for two cycling across France. There are also daily local prizes available including gift cards to restaurants, bike maintenance vouchers, books, and other merchandise.

Change Makers’ has helped run the event in previous years and provides people who would like to take up cycling, but who may not have the necessary safety gear, by providing things like helmets and lights for free. Last year Change Makers’ gave away more than 50 helmets.

Though there are no events planned during the two week cycling event, Prince Rupert cyclists should keep their eyes on the groups Facebook page because, weather permitting, they may host a pop-up group ride next week, Buchanan said.

READ MORE: Change Makers to open new youth centre in Prince Rupert


Norman Galimski | Journalist 

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