Crossing guard Chrissy Cumming helps a family cross the highway in Cache Creek near the town's elementary school.

Crossing guard Chrissy Cumming helps a family cross the highway in Cache Creek near the town's elementary school.

Gold Trail schools get back to teaching

The strike's toll on SD 74's enrolment won't be known until mid-October.

“Today was a very positive day across the district,” said Gold Trail Superintendent Teresa Downs on Monday.

How the teachers’ strike affected enrolment won’t be known until October, but Downs said she has received reports that some students have been registered with independent or Band schools across the area.

“We’ll have a better idea on Friday, but new families have showed up,” she added.

The end of September is usually when enrolment figures are set and on which government grants are based, but that date has been moved to Oct. 14.

The school year will not be extended, but the second semester will start on Feb. 10 to equalize the year, and provincial exams will be held the week of Feb. 2.

“We’re asking parents to minimize absences this year to illness only,” she said.

Professional Development Days will go ahead as scheduled, including one on Sept. 29.

“I think we’re in good shape,” said Downs. “We sent report cards home at the end of the year. I don’t feel we have any loose ends to tie up. We’re starting the year fresh.”

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal