Martinsen has quickly had to adjust her goal from supporting local nurses, to supporting the entire hospital staff. She hopes they can expand to all Golden health care workers and care workers in the new year. (Photo submitted)

Golden adopt-a-nurse program seeking a dozen sponsors

Organizer Tori Martinsen believes that there's enough support to cover all the staff at the hospital

  • Dec. 14, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Golden residents are putting their money where their mouth is in showing their support for health care workers by sponsoring local nurses and other workers for the holiday season.

For $20, locals can purchase a ceramic egg cooker, which can be used to cook breakfasts such as omelettes, muffins and oatmeal quickly and on the go during long shifts.

Tori Martinsen, a sales rep for Pampered Chef and the organizer behind the initiative, says that the idea initially came out of the company, before she launched it in Golden.

“We want to show them that we appreciate them putting their safety at risk during COVID, we can all stay safe by staying home, but they don’t get that safety right now,” said Martinsen.

“I have a couple friends who are nurses and I know it’s been intense, even without COVID it’s a tough job.

“This is one way to show them our gratitude and show up and take it that one step further.”

Originally intended just for nurses, Martinsen was blown away by the positive feedback from the community. She initially anticipated somewhere between 20-30 orders, but so far has amassed 57 orders and has expanded the offer to sponsor other health care workers in the community. She says the value in sponsorship on all those orders totals over $1,000.

Right now, she is working on sponsoring the entire Golden hospital, which employs approximately 65 people.

“I got the point where last night, looking at the numbers, I was just laughing I was so blown away,” said Martinsen.

“I think it would be really cool to be able to say we sponsored the entire hospital, or if the response continues, all the health care workers in town, it would be such a cool thing of our community.”

Martinsen says that she’s putting in her first order tonight, on Monday, Dec. 14, in order to get the gifts in time for Christmas.

However, she says she’s willing to keep the program running into the new year if support continues and put in orders at a later date. This way they would have time to get sponsorships for everyone working at Abbeyfield and Durand Manor as well and cover all the health care workers in Golden.

“If it’s something that people are interested in, we’ll keep it going and make sure everyone gets one,” said Martinsen.

She estimates that it would be approximately another 30 egg cookers to cover the staff at the senior care facilities.

Martinsen hopes that this will help show support for other health care workers who are often left unsung, such as lab techs, technicians, care aids and more who have been putting their safety on the line throughout the pandemic, who are often overlooked.

Those who are interested in the $20 sponsorship can contact Martinsen through Facebook.

Golden Star