Golden council notes: Budget passes

The Town of Golden Five-Year Financial Plan was adopted during the regular open council meeting on April 9.

  • Apr. 17, 2013 6:00 a.m.

Zoning Bylaw

The Town of Golden held a public hearing to listen to feedback regarding the proposed change in zoning to the former RCMP building.

The Town was proposing to change the designation from “community care” to “community education” to allow School District 6 to use the building (which they currently own) for their alternative school.

There are some proposed renovations to the building, including removing the yellow roof to make it look more residential, and removing the interior offices to create a large classroom.

There were no comments made in the public hearing, and council approved the zoning change in their regular open council meeting the same evening.

Janitorial Services Contract

The Town of Golden Council has awarded a three-year janitorial services contract to Kicking Horse Janitorial.

The company was chosen because written recommendations from previous clients indicate that the Town can expect a higher level of service from Kicking Horse Janitorial, and because they can provide that service at four per cent less than what the Town is currently paying.

The contract covers the janitorial services of five municipal buildings for three years.

Budget Passes

The Town of Golden Five-Year Financial Plan was adopted during the regular open council meeting on April 9.

The document went through some rigorous debate. Due to increases in operational costs, cuts had to be made to avoid a tax increase to cover costs. Council did, however, approve a two per cent tax increase to build up an Asset Renewal Reserve.

The financial plan was adopted without much discussion. Only Coun. Keith Hern opposed, having previously stated that not enough reductions had been made.


Golden Star