Remember to stop for school busses and be weary of commuting students as back to school comes into effect. (RCMP photo)

Golden/Field RCMP recap August

The detachment responded to 327 calls to service in August

  • Sep. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Golden/Field RCMP detachment responded to 327 calls for service during the month of August, according to detachment commander Sgt. Betty Watson.

Of those calls, 13 were persons offences, such as assaults and the uttering of threats.

There were also 23 property offences, which include break and enter, theft and mischief abuse of property.

The majority of calls were traffic related, with 89 calls to service under that heading, with two resulting in Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRPs).

IRPs are given when the operator of a motor vehicle blows a “warn” or a “fail” on a roadside screening device or on refusal to blow.

You can be made to take a responsible driver program, which can cost an additional $930.

The detachment also responded to 16 collisions.

With it being back to school season, the RCMP would like to remind drivers to be mindful that school zones will be back in effect.

Zones marked with a “30 km/h 9 am to 5 am School Days” sign make it clear – it’s time to slow down and obey school zones.

When you see only the yellow sign this is a caution sign to remind drivers there may be students in the area and speed will remain at the posted for the area, said Watson.

“There are a lot of younger students walking or biking to school increasing the need for vigilance,” said Watson.

“Drivers are reminded you are not permitted to stop on or back over a crosswalk.”

Don’t forget to stop if you see flashing lights on a school bus as well.

If a school bus is stopped to pick up or let out passengers with the stop arm and signal lights activated, drivers must stop whether the bus is oncoming or you are behind the bus.

In B.C., the first offence penalty for illegally passing school buses is $368, and it increases dramatically after that.

For those who receive a second ticket it will be $668, and three penalty points on top of that.

With extended highway closures planned to return at the end of the month to Highway 1, Watson says that Golden General Duty, alongside B.C. Highway Patrol, will continue their enforcement efforts along both Highway 1 and Highway 95 during the detour.

Watson also reports that COVID compliance calls are rare, as such issues are generally resolved between the parties involved without the need for action by police.

However, police are prepare to respond to keep the peace and address any violations that are reported, added Watson.

Golden Star