Golden-Field RCMP Cst. Churchill participates in breach training with the Golden Fire Department at the end of July. The two departments have been working together this fire season. (RCMP photo)

Golden/Field RCMP recap July

The detachment responded to 376 calls to service last month

  • Aug. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Golden/Field RCMP detachment responded to 376 calls for service during the month of July, according to detachment commander Sgt. Betty Watson.

Of those calls, 12 were persons offences, such as assault and uttering of threats.

There were also 18 property offences, which include break and enter, theft and mischief of property.

The majority of calls were traffic related, with 93 traffic related calls for service. Of those calls, six were impaired driving investigations, four of which resulted in Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRPs).

IRPs are given when the operator of a motor vehicle blows a “warn” or a “fail” on a roadside screening device or on refusal to blow.

You can be made to take a responsible driver program, which can cost an additional $930.

The detachment also responded to 23 collisions, with Watson saying the summer months has seen an increase in traffic.

“While our officers have been focusing enforcement on the main highways 1 and 95, there have also been check stops randomly set up to ensure sobriety and compliance under the Motor Act,” said Watson.

There’s an even distribution of reported vehicle incidents, says Watson, with no area having significantly more incidents than the other, whether that be within town limits, Highway 95, or Highway 1 heading east or west.

Most collisions occur as a result of human error and may involve a number of other factors, she explained.

Additionally, the detachment has been doing their part in the response to the wildfires.

Watson said the detachment has been notified of four fires, two of which were confirmed as campfires.

The detachment did not respond to the fires, instead deferring to provincial conversation officers and the Golden Fire Department.

Watson stated it’s important for the RCMP to maintain their relationship with other emergency response related agencies and work together during this dry and hot summer.

“It is imperative that we have a good working relationship between our agencies as we routinely have overlapping responsibilities and at the end of the day, rely on each other to get the job done,” Watson said.

If you see a wildfire, report it to *5555 or 1-800-66305555. Emergent fires that area threat to person or property should be reported to 911.

She also reported no COVID-19 related reports.

While there has been an increase in calls for service over the last few months, Watson says that relative to the past years in the same period, the RCMP remain below average for the summer months.

Golden Star