A map showing the geographic distribution of cases in the province. (BC CDC photo)

Golden sees 17 new cases of COVID-19

The case rate is slowly declining in the area

  • Sep. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The BC CDC is reporting 17 new cases of COVID-19 in the Golden area for the week of Sept. 5-11, as the case rate continues to slowly drop after reaching a new peak just a few weeks ago.

Golden is now out of the top ten highest case rates in Interior Health, sitting in 11th just behind Cranbrook, with a case rate of 25 cases per population of 100,000 in the last seven days.

Vaccination coverage in Golden continues to increase, with 87 per cent of those eligible (12+) having a first dose, and 78 per cent with full vaccination.

The vaccine passport also come into effect this week, meaning a first dose is required to get into certain non-essential establishments, such as restaurants for in person dining both indoor and outdoor.

Data continues to show that the majority of cases are in those who are unvaccinated, and that hospitalization and death are most likely to occur in individuals with no doses of an approved vaccine.

READ MORE: Ivermectin has sparked 9 COVID related calls to B.C. poison control since March

An approved vaccine is the best course of action to prevent COVID-19. Alternative treatments, such as ivermectin, will not prevent spread of the virus and may actually cause harm,with BC.’s Drug and Poison Information Centre stating they received nine ivermectin-related calls between March and the end of August, the Provincial Health Services Authority said Thursday (Sept. 2). There have been no reports in the two years prior, the PHSA added.

Veterinary-grade ivermectin is used to treat parasites in large livestock animals such as cows and horses. Although a human-grade version exists, it is only authorized in Canada for the treatment of parasitic worm infections in people and requires a prescription.

High doses of the drug can cause serious health problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, dizziness, seizures, coma and even death.

Maps of new cases reported each week in each local health area can be found on the BC Centre for Disease Control website under BC COVID-19 data. Also available are graphs from the BCCDC Comparisons App showing how each health authority is doing in terms of positive test rates by month.

Vaccine appointments can be booked online, or over the phone by calling 1-833-838-2323.

~with files from Katya Slepian

Golden Star