A map showing the geographic distribution of cases in B.C. (BC CDCD photo)

Golden sees new record COVID case count at 38

Golden now has the second highest case rate in Interior Health

  • Sep. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The BC CDC is reporting 38 new cases of COVID-19 in the Golden area for the week of Aug. 22 – 28. It’s a new record high and almost double the new cases seen the week prior as the fourth wave continues to surge in the area.

Golden now has the second highest case rate in Interior Health, behind only Kettle Valley, with 74 cases per population of 100,000 in the last 7 days as of Aug. 30.

Prior to the fourth wave, the record high for most new cases in a week was 16, set back in April prior to mass vaccination availability.

“We continue to see most cases in those who are unvaccinated, but some in fully vaccinated individuals,” writes Dr. Trina Larsen Soles of the Physicians of Golden.

“Symptoms have been mild in the vaccinated folks and unpleasant to severe in those who are not.”

Cases and hospitalizations continue to mainly be seen in those who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated across the province, with case counts being predominantly seen in those aged 19 to 39.

READ MORE: Golden vaccine clinic moves to hospital

Surrounding areas around Golden have seen a dip in their case counts, with only three in Revelstoke and 10 in Windermere.

Based on last week’s data from the BC CDC, compared with fully vaccinated individuals, unvaccinated individuals are nine times more likely to get COVID-19, 17 times more likely to be hospitalized and eight times more likely to die.

Over the past week, fully vaccinated individuals represented 64 per cent of BC’s total population but accounted for only 18 per cent of cases and 11 per cent of hospitalizations.

Golden is reporting 85 per cent first dose coverage in those aged 12+ and 76 per cent full vaccination as of Aug. 30.

A first dose will be necessary by Sept. 13 and a second dose by Oct. 24 to enter certain non-essential spaces. Proof of vaccination will not be required to access essential services such as the grocery store and is not expected to impact polling stations for the upcoming election, where Elections Canada will not be requiring employees to be vaccinated.

“The reality is that to travel or work out in a gym or eat in a restaurant for the foreseeable future you will need to get that vaccination done,” wrote Larsen Soles.

“For the time being our only option is to ride this wave, protect ourselves and our community as best we can, and look out for each other.”

A protest against the vaccine passport was held in Golden on Sept. 1 in front of Town Hall at the cenotaph.

Maps of new cases reported each week in each local health area can be found on the BC Centre for Disease Control website under BC COVID-19 data. Also available are graphs from the BCCDC Comparisons App showing how each health authority is doing in terms of positive test rates by month.

Vaccine appointments can be booked online, or over the phone by calling 1-833-838-2323.

Golden Star