Head Coach of the Golden Secondary School Senior Girls volleyball team Ron Ainslie stands with team member Shea Archibald-Lacasse who was recently named a second team all-star at provincials.

Head Coach of the Golden Secondary School Senior Girls volleyball team Ron Ainslie stands with team member Shea Archibald-Lacasse who was recently named a second team all-star at provincials.

Golden selection at provincial tournament

After a weekend of strong play Golden Secondary School volleyball player Shea Archibald-Lacasse was named an all-star at provincials.

Local athlete Shea Archibald-Lacasse was named one of the second team all-star selections at the closing ceremonies at the 2011 Provincial Senior Girls Volleyball Tournament.

The Grade 11 students played outstanding during the tournament this year but was surprised when she was named to the all star team.

“No I didn’t expect it at all. I was speechless. I did not know what to do…I wasn’t expecting it to be me out of everyone who was there,” Archibald-Lacasse said.

Even though it was a great achievement the young player was quick to give credit to her team mates for helping her achieve this accomplishment.

“The team is the important thing. It is not just one person it is the whole group,” she said.

Archibald-Lacasse is hoping that after she completes her time at Golden Secondary School she will be able to continue playing volleyball in the future.

“I want to go somewhere with it (volleyball) and not just play in high school.”

GSS Senior Girls Volleyball Team Head Coach Ron Ainslie had high praise for her performance this year.

“When it comes to her own ability she is very modest. She was probably the hardest hitter at provincials. She would not tell you that,” Ainslie said. “She is the team captain for good reason. She is totally committed, perseveres and went from last year being an up-and-down player to being far more consistent this year. No matter what is going on she works hard non-stop. She is also able to keep her team up as well.”

The difference in the last two seasons for Archibald-Lacasse has a great deal to do with confidence.

“Last year I just moved up into the senior team and I was out of my comfort zone. This year I am more used to being a senior player,” she said.


Golden Star