Golden starting recreation partnership program

The Town Recreation Department is starting a program to bring these groups together so that residents can see what the town has to offer.

Golden is blessed with a substantial number of recreational, cultural, and not-for-profit groups that provide the community with a wide array of activities. So many in fact, that it can be hard to find them all.

The Town of Golden Recreation Department is starting a program to bring these groups together so that residents can see what the town has to offer.

“We have so many different non-for-profit groups and clubs in the community that are out there initiating and running different programs from swim club, to karate, to leisure and drop in programs,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. “We’ve started a partnership program where the clubs can be a partner with the Town.”

The Recreation and Cultural Partnership Program will have a page on the Town of Golden website ( where all these groups can showcase what they have to offer.

Any group that is in good financial standing, is insured, and offers a recreational or cultural service to the public (can be for-profit or not-for-profit groups), can partner with the Town to help get the word out.

“So if you’re new in town, and you have kids that are interested in dance club, karate, scouts, and hockey, now you can go to one place and see who you need to contact,” said Petrovics.

“We want people to realize how many opportunities we have in the community for recreation.”

So far there are about 20 groups who have signed on, but Petrovics estimates that there are closer to 200 groups in town who would be eligible to participate. The only thing the Town is asking in return is an annual report from each group (outlining general information such as the number of people in the group, their age, and where they live).

That data will help the recreation department use their resources more effectively.

“As a recreation department we can look at ways to help make things easier for these groups, how they can use our spaces more effectively, and it allows me to give more detailed reports to council,” said Petrovics.

Anyone interested in hearing more about the partnership program can go to, or contact the recreation department at


Golden Star