From left to right, Ted Horlor, Angie MacKinnon, Zoey Lowe, Megan Crandell, Kailyn Trask, Sara Nichols and Laura Archer.

From left to right, Ted Horlor, Angie MacKinnon, Zoey Lowe, Megan Crandell, Kailyn Trask, Sara Nichols and Laura Archer.

Golden Youth Action Group hires new Co-ordinator with CBT Community Directed Youth Funds

Sara Nichols has been hired as the new youth co-ordinator for Golden's Youth Action Group.

  • Mar. 17, 2012 10:00 a.m.

Youth Action Group


The Youth Action Group (YAG) is a group of youth and community representatives who meet weekly to help move forward youth priorities in Golden

We successfully submitted an expression of interest to Columbia Basin Trust and now receive $25,000/year for the next four years. Our first priority was to hire a Youth Coordinator to help lead and move forward on the priority identified by youth in Golden—developing a youth centre.

We received eighteen applications and collaboratively narrowed the field to four who were interviewed. We decided that Sara Nichols (née Davis) had the right experience, qualifications and enthusiasm to move the project forward.

In order to support the project, Golden Area Initiatives (GAI) has provided office space and manages the contract for the project. Suzanne McCrimmon, GAI manager, notes that, “The hiring process was unique not only because youth participated in the hiring process but also because it allowed youth to gain experience in the hiring process which will help build their employment skills.”

Kailyn Trask, a member of the YAG, said, “it was a great experience to be a part of something real [the hiring process]. So often, at school, we just do things in theory. It was great to know that we had the power to make decisions.”

Sara officially started her new position on March 8. She brings experience in community development, project management, and public engagement from previous work at Columbia Basin Trust and the Golden Women’s Resource Centre (GWRC) as well as a Masters degree in public administration. She’s worked with Golden Youth before as the former co-ordinator of the GWRC’s Girlz Group.

“I’m so excited to get started. I think the time is right for this project. The community has talked about a youth centre for many years but I feel we are finally all collaborating and have the resources to leverage to get this project off the ground and the doors open.” said Nichols.

We meet weekly on Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Secondary School portable.  Our group accepts new members and directs the actions, priorities, and opportunities for youth in Golden.

Golden Star