The city’s director of municipal services, Kevin Goldfuss, is leaving for a new position in Ladysmith after 28 years with the city.

The city’s director of municipal services, Kevin Goldfuss, is leaving for a new position in Ladysmith after 28 years with the city.

Goldfuss says goodbye after 31 years

The city’s director of municipal services has resigned to take up a similar post in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island.

The city’s director of municipal services has resigned to take up a similar post in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island.

Kevin Goldfuss handed in his resignation Tuesday. His last day working for the city will be at the end of June. He begins work in Ladysmith on July 2.

Originally from Port Alberni, the 50-year-old said he has lived in Williams Lake for 31 years and worked at the city for 28.

“It’s going to be hard to leave this place,” Goldfuss told the Weekend Advisor Thursday.

“It’s a difficult decision for our family, but my mom’s still alive and living on Vancouver Island. We have a new grand baby in the Lower Mainland and feel it’s an opportunity for us to all be living closer to each other.”

Looking back on his career, Goldfuss said he wanted to thank the city staff, all the city councils he has worked with and the community.

“In this position I literally met hundreds of people, that’s a rewarding part of living in Williams Lake,” he continued.

As a manager he has had the privilege to work with great people and knows he will miss them.

“City councils put policies together and staff implement them. The municipal services staff are all professionals in their own right,” he added.

Municipal services covers roads, parks, water and waste, buildings, the airport, mechanical and the city’s vehicles.

“Those guys are out there at all hours, plowing roads or fixing burst pipes,” he added. “They work really hard.”

His wife Michelle will be leaving her job at the Sacred Heart Preschool Daycare as well.


Williams Lake Tribune