Golf spectacular teeing up for June

Golf spectacular teeing up for June

Fourth annual Vernon Golf Spectacular benefits Kindale, Special Olympics

  • Apr. 6, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A popular golf tournament will celebrate its “fore-th” anniversary this summer.

The fourth annual Vernon Golf Spectacular is set for Saturday, June 9, at the Vernon Golf and Country Club.

The event is again hosted by, and supports, two amazing local charities: Kindale Developmental Association and Special Olympics B.C. – Vernon.

“We are very excited to again be partnering with Kindale on this event,” said Morgan Parker, SOBC community development coordinator for the Okanagan and currently coordinator for SOBC Vernon.

Said Cindy Masters, developmental officer with Kindale: “Empowering ability for people with diverse abilities continues to be the driving force behind the Vernon Golf Spectacular. Community working together to make a difference is what it’s all about.”

RELATED: Partnership key to golf tourney

Teams of four will enjoy a putting contest, delicious barbecue lunch, 18 holes of golf followed by a gourmet dinner.

There’s a new twist this year, announced by Masters and her tournament organizing committee of Teresa Durning Harker, Karen Truesdale, George Doncaster and Dean Banks.

“Joining the fun will be sports professionals who will be auctioned off and become the fifth player on the team, should you be the winning bidder,” said Masters.

Kal Tire is, again, the event’s title sponsor.

“We are pleased to be sponsoring the fourth annual Vernon Golf Spectacular,” said Kevin McCarty, corporate social responsibility coordinator for Vernon-based Kal Tire. “This is a golf tournament that supports people with diverse abilities throughout the North Okanagan.”

You can sign up your team of four today at or contact Cindy Masters at 250-546-3005.

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Vernon Morning Star