Good morning, Kelowna. Hope you enjoy Nov. 14, 2016

Weather and buses and photos — oh my! There's lots to think about this Monday, and we don't mention the American election once.

Good morning, Kelowna. Hope you enjoy Nov. 14, 2016

Good morning, Kelowna. Hope you are ready for the week ahead. Let us help you get your bearings.

1.) Looks like you’ll need to figure out some way to stay dry because soggy weather is expected to prevail. The country’s weather prognosticators say that today will be cloudy with 60 per cent chance of showers this morning then a mix of sun and cloud. The high temperature is expected to reach 11 C.

2.) Are you a transit user? Have you found a new route to where you need to go? Local Facebook pages seem to be offering lots of ride sharing opportunities. We’d love to hear from you if you’re one of the people organizing or taking part in a ride share. In the meantime here’s an update on the job action and transit pass refunds.

3.) Have you changed your mind about the proposed Visitor Centre at the Queensway Jetty? What initially earned a lot of community backlash seems to be gaining greater acceptance.

4.) Gender neutral bathrooms in schools — read all about it. And if you have any thoughts you’d like to share email us at

5.) The theme of this past weekend was remembrance. It’s something that’s not always comfortable, but Kelowna residents showed up in droves to do just that. Cap News editor Barry Gerding took photos at the weekend events. In the pages of the Nov. 11 Capital News, which is still on newsstands, there’s a special section on Remembrance in the Okanagan. Please pick it up. Finally, if need a little primer about Canadian veterans we dug one of those up as well.

OK, that’s all folks. Have a great day!


Kelowna Capital News