Good neighbour willing to drive on election day

Wendy DeBeck offering free rides to Sidney polling stations Nov. 15

Wendy DeBeck plans to offer free rides to anyone in Sidney who wants to vote in the municipal election Nov. 15 and who otherwise would not be able to get to a polling station.

Wendy DeBeck plans to offer free rides to anyone in Sidney who wants to vote in the municipal election Nov. 15 and who otherwise would not be able to get to a polling station.

Wendy DeBeck says there have been elections in the past were she just didn’t get out to vote. While that has changed and she gets out to vote whenever the opportunity arises, she says she knows there are other people facing obstacles to doing just that.

That’s why she has decided to help people who need transportation to polling stations in Sidney by offering rider in her own car.

“Tragically, there was a really low voter turnout three years ago (the previous municipal election) and that gave me an idea. I could try to help the turnout numbers by helping people get out to vote.”

DeBeck said she knows it’s a small effort — she hopes to hit a target of 100 people — but said anything that removes an obstacle to someone casting their ballot is a good thing.

“If someone’s on the fence about voting, I’d like to dissolve that obstacle. A free ride is one more reason to vote.”

DeBeck, owner of Bikram Hot Yoga in Sidney, will use her electric car and offer free transportation to people who call her between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on election day — Sat., Nov. 15. No reservations are required, she said, adding she is only offering the service in Sidney.

DeBeck said she plans on supporting specific candidates in the election but is not doing this on behalf of any of them. She added she won’t try to convince any of her passengers to vote any differently from how they want to.

“I’m there to listen and drive.”

If people cannot get to the polling stations in Sidney and require a ride, call Wendy on election day at 250-888-3097.



Peninsula News Review