Good Samaritans help Abbotsford robbery victim

A group from University of the Fraser Valley collected donations to cover the funds stolen from woman in mobility scooter.

An Abbotsford woman in a mobility scooter was robbed while travelling along Roberts Avenue on Tuesday.

An Abbotsford woman in a mobility scooter was robbed while travelling along Roberts Avenue on Tuesday.

Good Samaritans have come to the aid of an Abbotsford woman who was robbed last Tuesday while travelling in her mobility scooter.

Kim was traumatized by the incident, which took place at about 3 p.m. on Roberts Avenue – located between McCallum Road and Bourquin Crescent East, one block south of South Fraser Way.

She phoned The News on Friday to warn others with mobility issues to be wary of their surroundings.

Kim had been returning from having her scooter repaired at the MediChair location at McCallum Road and Switzer Avenue, and was heading to her home in the area of Old Yale Road and South Fraser Way.

She was passing through the parking lot behind the bowling alley near MediChair, and noticed two men.

As she progressed along Roberts Avenue, one of them came up on her right and distracted her while the other one stole the floral tote bag she had stored in the basket of her scooter.

The bag contained her ID, $220 cash and her Samsung Galaxy S4 cellphone, which she had just purchased on June 25.

Kim approached government agencies to see if she could be compensated for her stolen funds. At first, she said she was told that the $100 she had designated for her rent would be replaced, but was later told she would not be compensated because she her purse had not been secured on her scooter.

The story of the robbery was posted on The News’ website on Friday afternoon and, by Monday, a group from University of the Fraser Valley came forward with enough donations to cover the money that had been stolen from Kim.

Kim was touched when she received the donation on Monday night and said she can’t thank enough the people who helped her.

“I am so, so eternally grateful, after all that I’ve been through,” she said.

Kim said she will use the funds toward her rent and toward purchasing a replacement cellphone.

Abbotsford News