Got some good summertime photos?

Upload them to The News website and you could win

  • Aug. 9, 2012 5:00 p.m.
If you have some good pictures of summer fun, put them online.

If you have some good pictures of summer fun, put them online.

So what’s your summer been like so far?

If the good weather has helped you take some good photos to remember the summer of 2012, or previous summers, why not share them?

Upload your best photos of summer to The News and you could win a golf and grill prize (12 rounds of golf) valued at $1,092, provided by the The Falls Golf Club. Included in the prize is a Jackson Patio Fire, provided by Warm Hearth Heating Center.

There also will be a random draw among the voters who choose what they think are the best photos.

That draw will award a golf prize package which includes eight rounds of golf, four power carts and a $50 gift certificate provided by Golden Eagle Golf Club.

There are a couple dates to keep in mind.

Deadline for uploading your photos is Aug. 19.

However, you can vote online and choose what you think are the best photos between Aug. 20 and 31.

Photos can all be uploaded or viewed by going to www.mapleridgenews. com, then clicking on the Contests button at the top right.

Maple Ridge News