Kelowna junior high school students are spending today in the shoes of an RCMP employee.

Kelowna junior high school students are spending today in the shoes of an RCMP employee.

Grade 9 students report for Kelowna RCMP duty

As part of take your kid to work day, local RCMP spends time with high school students

  • Nov. 1, 2017 12:00 a.m.

As part of National Take Our Kids to Work Day, junior high school students are spending today in the shoes of an RCMP employee.

The initiative exposes students to diverse career opportunities within the force, from emergency response to forensics.

“Today’s activities will bring police work to life and give kids a sense of what’s possible with the RCMP,” said Cst. Lesley Smith, School Resource Officer. “Students will be involved in an active Police scenario which will require the use of the Police Dog Services, Forensic Identification Unit and many more RCMP Resources.”

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The day’s schedule will include demonstrations and presentations from a variety of departments, lunch with the Detachment Commander and the chance to interact with the men and women of the force.

Take Our Kids to Work Day happens annually on the first Wednesday of November. Students from a variety of schools who have a connection or family member with the Kelowna Detachment and Southeast District Head Quarters are participating.

Kelowna Capital News