RIDING IN STYLE: Zoey Andres and Quinn Proud mug for The NEWS before the Kwalikum Secondary grad parade Saturday where students drove through town in everything from classic cars to boats to the prom at the Civic Centre. See many more photos at www.facebook.com/PQBNews.

RIDING IN STYLE: Zoey Andres and Quinn Proud mug for The NEWS before the Kwalikum Secondary grad parade Saturday where students drove through town in everything from classic cars to boats to the prom at the Civic Centre. See many more photos at www.facebook.com/PQBNews.

Grads ride in style in Qualicum Beach

Students rode through the streets to celebrate their graduation from Kwalikum Secondary School

RIDING IN STYLE: Zoey Andres and Quinn Proud mug for The NEWS before the Kwalikum Secondary grad parade Saturday where students drove through town in everything from classic cars to boats to the prom at the Civic Centre. See many more photos at www.facebook.com/PQBNews.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News