Grand Forks Fire/Rescue’s Chief George Seigler (left) and two volunteer firefighters extinguish an un-permitted burn at 9385 Granby Rd. on Monday morning, March 15. Photo: Laurie Tritschler

Grand Forks fire department revisits Granby Road property for repeat un-permitted burn

Conservation Officers are investigating fires at the property and the neighbouring address

  • Mar. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Volunteer firefighters on Monday, March 15, put out an un-permitted fire at a rural Grand Forks property for the sixth time in roughly a year, according to Grand Forks Fire Rescue.

Fire Chief George Seigler said he attended Monday’s fire at 9385 Granby Rd. at around 11 a.m. Seigler said he determined that the fire contained materials, including garbage, which are not allowed to be burned under B.C.’s Environmental Management Act (EMA).

READ MORE: Grand Forks Fire/Rescue responds to fifth fire at Granby Road property in less than a week

Grand Forks Fire/Rescue were called out to five burn complaints at 9385 Granby Rd. in 2020: Once in April, once in September and three times in October, including Thanksgiving Sunday, October 11. Department investigators attributed each of the complaints to un-permitted burns across multiple sites on the property, all of which Seigler said contained prohibited materials according to the EMA, including a trailer, household items and clothing.

Seigler said Grand Forks/Fire Rescue attended a further five un-permitted burns at the neighbouring address, 9175 Granby Rd., over roughly the same period. The City of Grand Forks and Grand Fire/Rescue sent a cease and desist letter attached to a fee for fire services to 9175 Granby Rd. last November.

READ MORE: City of Grand Forks, fire department deliver fee to Granby Road property for suspicious fires

Conservation Service Officers are meanwhile reviewing all 10 burns between the two properties as part of the same investigation, according to Conservation Officer Mark Walkosky. Walkosky said his office is considering fines under the EMA.


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