Grand Forks Fire/Rescue chief George Seigler, left, and deputy chief Rich Piché, right, present long-time volunteer Loren Dorner with his First Bar towards a Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal. (Grand Forks Fire/Rescue/Submitted)

Grand Forks Fire/Rescue chief George Seigler, left, and deputy chief Rich Piché, right, present long-time volunteer Loren Dorner with his First Bar towards a Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal. (Grand Forks Fire/Rescue/Submitted)

Grand Forks firefighter recognized for exemplary service

Loren Dorner was presented with the First Bar of his Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal

  • Jul. 20, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Submitted by Grand Forks Fire/Rescue Chief George Seigler

For those not familiar with the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal, it’s a medal that honours members of a recognized Canadian fire service who have completed 20 years of service, ten years of which have been served in the performance of duties involving potential risks. Exemplary service is characterized by good conduct, hard working, and efficiency – characteristics that Grand Forks senior firefighter Loren Dorner has embodied.

Last week, Dorner was recognized by Grand Forks Fire/Rescue with his First Bar (10 years) to the Fire Service Exemplary Service Medal.

March 17, 1988 was the start of Dorner’s fire service career with Grand Forks Fire/Rescue. Actually, in 1988, this would have been the City of Grand Forks Fire Department, as he and his brother Lyle joined well before the merging of the city and rural fire departments. So far, Dorner’s fire service career has spanned over three decades, for a total of more than 32 years.

Dorner worked his way up from firefighter to driver and also held the rank of captain. Alongside his brother Lyle, Loren was instrumental in developing and implementing the first rope rescue program for our department. Additionally, he was heavily involved in his professional development by taking numerous courses such as auto extrication, pumps and pumping, and driving training.

In addition to achieving the recognized standard of firefighter training, maintaining these competencies, and pursuing additional courses for the fire department, Dorner also pulled double duty with an overlap of 12 years with Grand Forks Search and Rescue.

Over the years, the volunteer fire service has experienced many challenges, with recruitment and retention being one of the main ones. Times have changed, and it is not that common to see a long-time volunteer firefighter that hold 20, 30 or 40-more years of service. Such people are most definitely a rare commodity these days! Dorner’s years of service have not gone without sacrifice as there has been many a missed meal with family, missed holidays and other time lost with his loved ones.

Given this, it is my distinct honour and pleasure to present Senior Firefighter, Loren Dorner with his First Bar to the Fire Service Exemplary Medal. Congratulations Loren and thank you for all your years of service and dedication to make our community safer.

Grand Forks Gazette