Grant announces mayoralty intentions

  • Sep. 29, 2014 8:00 a.m.
Tom Grant wants to be Comox's next mayor.

Tom Grant wants to be Comox's next mayor.

There will be a race for the mayor’s chair in Comox.

On Monday afternoon, Comox councillor Tom Grant announced his intention to run for mayor.

“I’m excited to announce that I’m running for mayor of Comox,” he said in a press release. “Why am I seeking this office? Primarily because I love this town and care greatly about the future of Comox. As a business owner and long time resident of the Valley I have always considered myself very fortunate to be able to take an active part in the life of the community in my work here and my four terms as a Comox councillor. But I believe greatly that it is time for change; it is time for improvement; and it’s time to explore new directions. I’m confident I can bring you those things.

“I think Comox is a great town. The greatness of a town can be measured in many ways. One measure is the quality of the lives of our citizens. And it’s a good life. We have parks and beloved walking trails, we have the seashore. We are well served by an up-to-the-minute recreation centre, a new and modern library, two museums and a community art gallery. Our volunteer fire department, in my opinion, is the best in the country.

“But, all is not rosy.  There are things that could be done differently – and better – and sooner, rather than later.

“You can ask any citizen what we can do better and you will likely get similar answers; answers that boil down to the same thing. People will say they love the place and its leisurely pace, but it’s also stagnating. Where are the pubs? Why isn’t there a shoe store, or a men’s clothing store? How come the Marina is a dead zone? What’s happening with the Mall as business after business closes?

“Now is the time for leadership so we as a community can really do something about the issues that are important to us all.  We will do it together if you elect me mayor.  The Comox I see, is the Comox we all know and love, but better.  I see a progressive Comox where you can sign up for rec centre classes online from your tablet.  I see a town that welcomes new entrepreneurs and their families, to open a new business and enjoy the kind of work-life balance many of us already enjoy.  I see a Comox where the vacancy signs are down, and the ‘new business opening here’ signs are up.  I also see a Town where families and visitors experience a more vibrant and engaging Marina Park.”

When he is not our campaigning, Grant will be at his campaign headquarters in the Comox Mall and invites all residents to stop by and connect.

“We will be there starting at the beginning of October. I believe in an open-door policy and want to hear from you.  We also have a website:, where you can read more and connect with me via email.”

The Grant family is well established in the Comox Valley and Grant himself is well known to the community, not only as a businessman, but in the political realm as well.

“ I am very proud of my family name and work history and I stand for mayor based on my record of service to the citizens of Comox,” he said. “Four times the people of Comox have entrusted me to be a town councillor.  That is why I offer you my candidacy for mayor of Comox. I believe I have a lifetime of experience and leadership that counts, and a clear vision for a better Comox. Experience, leadership and clear vision that I will put to work for you.  With your support on Nov. 15 we can make it happen.  See you out on the campaign trail!”











Comox Valley Record