Grant money coming to local family services society

Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Community Services Society of Terrace is one of five places in the province to receive the money.

  • Dec. 5, 2013 5:00 a.m.

A LOCAL family services organization is receiving some provincial money as part of its the government’s grants to support adoption and permanency in the province.

Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Community Services Society of Terrace will receive $5,000 to engage a liaison to assist children-in-care to develop connections with their traditional communities.

That’s part of BC’s Lex Reynolds Adoption and Permanency Trust Fund awarding a total of $55,000 for six projects to support adoption and permanency in B.C.

Four other organizations, including one in Williams Lake are receiving the grant money too.

The Ministry of Children and Family Development established the independent Trust in 2003 to help British Columbia’s children and youth who are awaiting adoption or other permanent connections.

The trust is managed by the Victoria Foundation and in 2009, it was re-named to honour Lex Reynolds, the late lawyer and children’s advocate – and adoptive father – who was the fund’s founding co-chair.

The permanent endowment generates money to support organizations and individuals in finding and helping to maintain lifelong connections for BC’s children and youth.

As of August 31 of this year, the MCFD reported there were more than 4,000 children and youth in permanent-care in BC with more than 1,000 of them waiting for a permanent family.

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