Alpine flowers are blooming along the Gray Creek Pass Above, avalanche lilies. Dave Lymbery photo

Gray Creek Pass now open

There's nothing that many Kimberleyites enjoy more than taking a backroad drive. There are plenty of opportunities to explore all over, but of the favourites is the Gray Creek Pass over to the east shore of Kootenay Lake.

There’s nothing that many Kimberleyites enjoy more than taking a backroad drive. There are plenty of opportunities to explore all over, but of the favourites is the Gray Creek Pass over to the east shore of Kootenay Lake.

Tom Lymbery of the Gray Creek Store would like to let everyone know that the last bit of snow melted on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 and the pass is now open.

ATVs and motorcycles have been making their way over since June 13, and Lymbery reports that the road is in good shape with no rocks or trees impeding travel.

“This road is comfortably driveable with any vehicle, though the warning signs suggest high clearance,” Lymbery said. “We have had four people arrive in small, low clearance cars that never had a problem, but driving carefully is recommended.”

Most problem come from driving too fast, he says

“Because the assistance promised by Highways in 1990 never came, the road is built of pit run material so the surface includes stones.

“Forestry maintains Oliver Lake Recreation site well with picnic tables and an outhouse, but because the lake is not visible many do not take the few minutes to walk to see this gem. The trail crew built a neat trail, even splitting boulders to make a pleasant walk right around this. Sometimes you might see mama moose with her baby wading in this lake.

“The route attracts people from all over the world. It’s not a shortcut but an adventure,” Lymbery said.

READ: Gray Creek Pass is 20 years old

READ: Bike race from Merritt to Fernie will be coming over Gray Creek Pass on June 28

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Kimberley Bulletin