Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake drill reminder

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the Great ShakeOut

  • Oct. 18, 2018 12:00 a.m.
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Be sure to set your alarm this morning for 10:19 a.m. to participate in the annual worldwide earthquake drill.

Known as the Great ShakeOut, millions of people will be practicing what to do during an earthquake. To be more specific, participants will be dropping down to the ground in order to find cover under something secure so that they can hold on – which is the procedure encouraged during a real earthquake.

“It’s tough to think about the possibility of an earthquake impacting you and your family. It’s hard to imagine and scary to think about. But knowledge is the key to safety, and that’s why once again we’re asking British Columbians to imagine an earthquake scenario during the Great British Columbia ShakeOut,” said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for emergency preparedness.

Related: Odds of an earthquake in B.C., one in three

According to, more than 3,000 earthquakes occur in the province each year and the risk of one occuring that is big enough to cause significant damage is real. Those living near the coast are also encouraged to consider holding a tsunami evacuation drill.

“Participating in ShakeOutBC is an effective way to better understand B.C.’s earthquake risk and how to prepare,” states the website. “What we do before an earthquake determines how quickly we’ll recover.”

Related: B.C. has a history of big earthquakes

As of Oct. 17, over 870,000 participants have registered to take part in the drill. The website provides multiple drill guides that workplaces, schools, and families can utilize.

Guidelines if an earthquake occurs:

* Drop where you are onto your hands and knees.

* Cover your head and neck with one arm and hand. If possible, crawl underneath a nearby desk or chair for shelter.

* Hold on until the shaking stops. Wait for the shaking to stop and count to 60 before emerging from your safe area to allow objects that may have shifted during the shaking to settle.

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Jordyn Thomson | Reporter


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