Greater Vernon governance petition results delayed

The Society for the Future Governance of Greater Vernon believes results may be ready Thursday

A petition campaign is promoting the concept of a single governance structure for Greater Vernon.

A petition campaign is promoting the concept of a single governance structure for Greater Vernon.

It’s taking longer than expected to determine if there is public interest in evolving Greater Vernon’s governance model.

The Society for the Future Governance of Greater Vernon had anticipated releasing results from its petition campaign on Monday or Tuesday, but that process has been delayed.

We had some petitions come in on the weekend from people who were canvassing,” said Bruce Shepherd, society president.

We have to do some verification of some mail-in petitions.”

The process will include removing any duplicate names from the online petition and determining which jurisdictions the signatories live in.

Society members will meet Wednesday night and results could be available Thursday morning.

The petition, which urges local and provincial authorities to develop a plan to combine Vernon, Coldstream and Areas B and C into a single entity, was launched Sept. 8 and ran until Oct. 31.

The society hopes to collect 4,000 names total, including 2,500 online. On Monday morning, the online petition was indicating 1,637 signatures.


Vernon Morning Star