Greater Vernon Water says there is a high chance that a dry spring 2021 will be followed by a dry month of June, and is encouraging residents to reduce their water consumption. (RDNO photo)

Greater Vernon Water bracing for dry summer

The water utility says there's a high chance June will be drier than average

  • May. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Greater Vernon Water (GVW) is preparing for a dry summer based on current water supply forecasts and encouraging locals to do the same.

The Duteau Creek storage reservoirs — Aberdeen, Haddo and Grizzly — are beginning to fill up but are still below average levels due to this year’s dry spring, GVW said in a water supply update Wednesday, May 19.

The water utility said staff are currently managing reservoir outflows to keep as much water in storage as possible while preserving the stream flows needed to keep ecosystems healthy.

June is a critical month for assessing water levels for the summer to come and staff are watching the situation closely.

“While we usually receive significant rain in June to help fill our reservoirs, this year’s forecast indicates there is a high chance of getting less than our normal June precipitation.”

The region will have to wait and see if the rains seasonal to June do arrive. In the meantime, GVW says there are steps residents can take to plan ahead for dry conditions.

That includes checking irrigation systems for leaks and setting controllers to deliver the precise amount of water for the yard that’s being irrigated. GVW says established plants need less water over time and less water in cooler weather. And unless you have potted plants that quickly dry out, watering once per week is reasonable for this time of year.

Spring is also an ideal season to replace thirsty plants with plants that need less water.

“We can all do our part to use water efficiently and save it for where it is needed most — our farms, forests, and fish.”

For advice on how to be more ‘waterwise,’ call the RDNO Water Ambassador at 250-550-3798 to book a free yard check-up, or visit the Water Conservation page on the RDNO’s website for useful tips.

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Brendan Shykora

Reporter, Vernon Morning Star

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