(Twitter/Tess Van Straaten)

(Twitter/Tess Van Straaten)

Greater Victoria schools open despite snow

Snow may cause delays

  • Feb. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Greater Victoria students might face a few delays, but the flurries and -4 degree temperature don’t mean a snow day for kids.

Greater Victoria School District 61 (SD61) tweeted early Monday morning that all schools are open and busses are running.

“Please dress warm and use caution during your morning commute. Some roads and sidewalks are slippery in areas,” the District tweeted.

Meanwhile in Seattle, the public school district announced that schools are opening two hours late as buses run on snow routes only.

Schools in Bellingham and Port Townsend are closed.

In Victoria, extra time is recommended for motorists this morning. The Victoria Police Department reminded drivers to “remain calm” and cycle and drive with caution.

Still, many in Greater Victoria are embracing the “white stuff,” which isn’t expected to stop falling any time soon. Environment Canada has forecasted a chances of flurries Monday night and Tuesday morning in Victoria, with a high of 0 degrees.

Snowy sunset downtown Victoria. from r/VictoriaBC

A wintersunset from r/VictoriaBC

nina.grossman@blackpress.caLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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