BC Green Party Leader Party Leader Andrew Weaver, left, with NDP Premier John Horgan. (Photo: Black Press)

BC Green Party Leader Party Leader Andrew Weaver, left, with NDP Premier John Horgan. (Photo: Black Press)

Green Party leader chose not to be in cabinet: Surrey MLA

Andrew Weaver wanted 'latitude,' Ralston says

  • Jul. 25, 2017 6:00 p.m.

Just in case you’re wondering why premier-maker and BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver didn’t get a provincial cabinet seat, or get named a minister of state…

Bruce Ralston, NDP MLA for Surrey-Whalley and minister of jobs, training and technology, explains.

“He chose not to be in cabinet, that was the nature of the agreement,” Ralston said.

“I think they wanted a bit more of the latitude that comes with not being in cabinet. On many things we agree, and that is the subject of the agreement, but there’s also things where we will disagree and that’s also contemplated as well.”

NDP Premier John Horgan last week revealed his cabinet, made of 20 ministers — three of them Surrey MLAs — as well as two ministers of state.

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The NDP assumed governance following a vote of no confidence in the Liberal government, bringing to an end that party’s 16-year run in power. The new political landscape in Victoria is a 41-MLA NDP minority, with support from three Green MLAs to make 44 MLAs in government — the minimum number of seats for a majority in the House — going up against a 43-MLA Liberal opposition.


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