Green Party nominates Samson Boyer in CRR

Candidate is 18 years old, from Columbia Valley; will challenge Clovechok, Taft and Hooles

CRR Green Party candidate Samson Boyer

CRR Green Party candidate Samson Boyer

The B.C. Green Party has found a candidate to stand for election in Columbia River Revelstoke. He is Samson Boyer, 18, from the Columbia Valley.

Boyer works in the hospitality and tourism industry and is a beekeeper.

“Having lived in this area for most of my life I am so proud to call the Kootenays home,” said Boyer. “There is such potential and every day I see what people are capable of achieving in this region.

“I want to help ensure that there is only more opportunity available. I would like to promote a diversified economy and continue to encourage innovation and technology in the pursuit of increasingly sustainable industry and opportunities for well-paying jobs throughout Columbia River-Revelstoke. I believe we need change. It’s with the B.C. Green Party that I see change is possible.”

Although young, Boyer was inspired by Bill Green from Kimberley, who ran for the Green Party in both the past federal and provincial parties.

With significant work experience in the Tourism and Hospitality industry, including the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, Boyer has pursued roles in leadership as a ski and snowboard instructor and lifeguard.

He is an avid reader and a bit of a news junkie. He has been studying piano for the past 5 years and also enjoys gardening and travel. Politics and religious study have been at the forefront of his educational pursuits for quite sometime.

Boyer is the fourth candidate to come forward in Columbia River Revelstoke, a riding which could be considered wide open with the retirement of incumbent Norm MacDonald (NDP).

Already declared are Gerry Taft, NDP, from Invermere; Doug Clovechok, BC Liberals, also from Invermere; and Justin Hooles, Independent, from Kimberley.


Kimberley Daily Bulletin