Travis Lee president of Tri-Eagle Development, stands amid the green rooftop on the Vancity building on Cedar Hill Cross Road in Saanich. His company has installed green roofs on three of its commercial buildings in Greater Victoria. (Megan Atkins-Baker/News Staff)

Green roof on Saanich’s Vancity helps reduce energy costs

Developer encourages District of Saanich to advocate for similar commercial treatments

  • Sep. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The garden roof on top of Vancity in Saanich was built nearly 10 years ago and has accrued considerable cost and environmental benefits in that time.

Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes said this type of approach to addressing climate change is catching the attention of the financial world because of its capacity to reduce costs and restore lost vegetation. Haynes himself has a green roof on his single-family home.

Travis Lee is president of Tri-Eagle Development, which built the Vancity building on Cedar Hill Road. He said green roofs are a worthwhile long-term investment – they can see as much as a 50-per-cent energy cost savings compared to similar-sized buildings without the feature.

ALSO READ: Saanich mayor’s rooftop is home to an eco-friendly garden

“The green roof helps with stormwater management, adds opportunities for bees and other critters to thrive, and it allows for high energy performance,” Lee said.

With the District of Saanich working on climate change mitigation and increasing its carbon consciousness, commercial garden rooftops are a solution for other developers to consider, he added.

“These buildings require fewer resources from the municipality, an incentive for companies considering the investment,” Haynes said.

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