The new streetlights along South Shore Road should be lit by the end of the month.

The new streetlights along South Shore Road should be lit by the end of the month.

Greendale Road turn safe, Lake Cowichan council concludes

Response to citizen complaint: Officials say safe driving should result in no problems

Lake Cowichan council has dismissed a safety concern with regards to the turning lane on Cowichan Lake Road going left onto Greendale Road.

Local resident Ted Brown wrote a letter to council highlighting what he believes to be a big safety concern.

“When traffic from Highway 18 is coming into town, when trying to turn onto Greendale and waiting for traffic, (there’s) a possibility of being rear-ended,” wrote Brown. “Happened to me last night. The vehicle behind me had nowhere to go, very close to hitting me.”

Mayor Ross Forrest took action to calm fears of any safety concern.

“I’ve read that and gone and had a look and I don’t understand the problem,” said the mayor. “Every car is equipped with signal lights and you’re supposed to give enough space to allow the car in front of you to pass. There’s ample room there.”

Councillor Frank Hornbrook concurred with Forrest and insisted if driver’s are responsible, nothing problematic will occur.

“If everyone drives the speed limit, which is 50 kilometres-per-hour, it’s safe to turn,” said Hornbrook.

Town superintendent Nagi Rizk confirmed he “did contact the Ministry of Transportation and they are not keen to change anything. They say it’s safe to turn left there.”


Lake Cowichan Gazette