B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, right, arrives in Parksville to the waves of supporters, along with Parksville-Qualicum candidate for the party, Glenn Sollitt, left, on Saturday, April 29. Weaver, starting his last provincial tour this election, met with about 50 supporters. - Image: Adam Kveton                                 B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, right, arrives in Parksville to the waves of supporters, along with Parksville-Qualicum candidate for the party, Glenn Sollitt, left, on Saturday, April 29. Weaver, starting his last provincial tour this election, met with about 50 supporters. - Image: Adam Kveton

B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, right, arrives in Parksville to the waves of supporters, along with Parksville-Qualicum candidate for the party, Glenn Sollitt, left, on Saturday, April 29. Weaver, starting his last provincial tour this election, met with about 50 supporters. - Image: Adam Kveton B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, right, arrives in Parksville to the waves of supporters, along with Parksville-Qualicum candidate for the party, Glenn Sollitt, left, on Saturday, April 29. Weaver, starting his last provincial tour this election, met with about 50 supporters. - Image: Adam Kveton

Greens rally in Kelowna

Party leader Andrew Weaver plus regional candidate to speak Sunday as part of Green Party tour

The B.C. Green Party is holding a rally in Kelowna this afternoon with leader Andrew Weaver set to address the crowd.

The Greens are meeting in Kelowna today with a rally at the Best Western Hotel where Weaver as well as Kelowna-Lake Country candidate Alison Shaw will both speak.

Also expected at the rally are several other Green Party candidates from the region.

The event is being held from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

Weaver is also scheduled to be at the Kelowna Rockets game on Sunday evening as the Rockets meet in Seattle in game six of their playoff series.

The Capital News will have a reporter there and will update this story this afternoon, following the rally.

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Penticton Western News