Chilliwack-Hope MLA says grace at this year's Grinchmas hosted by ACE at the Legion.

Chilliwack-Hope MLA says grace at this year's Grinchmas hosted by ACE at the Legion.

Grinchmas grows hearts for Christmas

Suess' How the Grinch Stole Christmas stole hearts in Agassiz with a reading of the classic children's book and feast prepared by volunteers

ACE hosted another culinary success with their annual Grinchmas at the Legion. Students, teachers, parents and dignitaries gathered around a very large table to enjoy a traditional and colourful meal prepared by volunteers and to hear a traditional reading of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch stole Christmas.

The event started off with grace which was said by Chilliwack-Hope MLA Laurie Throness, who attends the event every year, according to ACE principal and organizer Sandy Balascak.

Cans of Who Hash were present on the table (there was one Who-like table shared by all and structured around the four walls of the room) because the Grinch steals everything from the Whos, everything down to their last can of Who Hash.

Dainty paper clip hearts were being given away at the door as guests arrived, to symbolize the theory behind the Grinch’s moody disposition and his distaste for Christmas, which is, that he has been given a heart that is miniscule.

“They believe the reason he didn’t like Christmas was because his heart was two sizes too small, but at the end of the story, they say the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes.” said Balascak, as she triumphantly held up an enlarged green paper heart to show The Observer.

The event is a delicious way of bringing together community partners, students, family, and getting them all into one room to celebrate the season and to enjoy one another during the festive season according to Balascak.

A gorgeous buffet adorned the room, and a great effort went into feeding guests, as Grinchmas commenced without a hitch, and for a moment, the room was transformed into a room full of Seuss’ festive Whos all dining together in great merriment.

“It’s kind of a sarcastic take on Christmas, it’s kind of fun, and the food is colouredit’s really Sandy Balascak and the school that’s trying to give back to parents and honour volunteers, so I love to come here every year and the meal is really great,” said Throness.

Agassiz Observer