Grist Mill work party set for April 18, 19

A Spring work party at the Grist Mill and Gardens will happen on the weekend of April 18 and 19.

  • Apr. 2, 2015 1:00 p.m.

Volunteer recruitment is underway for this season at The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens.

A Spring work party at the mill will happen on the weekend of April 18 and 19 winding up with an appreciation dinner from the operator, Chris Mathieson. Anyone with a few hours to spare is welcome to lend a hand.

Since 2009, the Grist Mill Heritage Club has celebrated with events at the mill for Victoria Day, Fathers’ Day, Canada Day, BC Day, Labour Day, and Apple Day on Thanksgiving Monday.

The goal of the volunteer efforts at the Provincial Historic Site of the Keremeos Grist Mill is to concretely express community support for the continued public enjoyment and appreciation of the restored 1877 water driven flour grinding mill on Keremeos Creek.

Fears the site might be mothballed were allayed recently when the province responded to a robust outcry from the Lower Similkameen and surrounding communities. Mathieson Heritage Services asked for and has just lately begun a 10-year arrangement with BC Heritage.

The Grist Mill Heritage Club is a committee of the Grist Mill Foundation which was constituted in 2010 and has lately registered with The Charities Directorate of Customs and Revenue Canada.

Fundraising will be in support of programs at the site which provide education and promote an appreciation of heritage values.

This year The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens opens on Victoria Day Weekend, May 16th.

Anyone interested in volunteering with The Grist Mill Heritage Club can call 250-499-5417.

Keremeos Review