‘Grocery store’ of drugs dismantled in Qualicum Beach

Man was allegedly selling drugs and alcohol to youth from Qualicum Beach home

A Qualicum Beach residence set up like a “grocery store” of drugs and alcohol for youth was recently dismantled by police.

Staff Sgt. Brian Hunter told Qualicum Beach council Monday night an arrest was made Jan. 24 at a home on Mill Road after a search warrant had been obtained.

“This individual adult male was selling drugs, various drugs, liquor, primarily to the youth of your community,” Hunter told council during his semi-annual report about crime stats. “It was set up like a grocery store, price tags were on there, come on in and do your shopping — it was disgusting.”

The man allegedly responsible will now be held accountable within the justice system, Hunter said. He underlined to council that it’s important to know that this type of situation does exist in the community and that parents need to talk to kids when appropriate. If behavior seems odd, Hunter said parents need to ask tough questions, adding any information about the selling of drugs is helpful to the local detachment.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News