Group offers united front

Local official makes the case for the Southern Interior Local Government Association.

A local face has joined a greater force to champion regional issues.

Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director, has been appointed electoral area director on the Southern Interior Local Government Association.

While Macnabb is only currently filling a vacancy on the executive, he is going to let his name stand in the elections in April.

“The importance of SILGA is to provide a common voice,” said Macnabb who is spreading SILGA awareness locally, and was speaking to Coldstream council Monday.

“It’s got a history of about 100 years.”

Formerly known as the Okanagan Mainline Municipal Association, the association now represents approximately 552,000 people, including 30 municipalities and six regional districts.

One of the main objectives of SILGA is to promote and advocate local issues at the Union of B.C. Municipalities.

And it has proven effective in doing so.

In 2014, 25 SILGA endorsed recommendations were endorsed at UBCM.

Some issues that SILGA continues to push include meat regulations, urging fire zone monitoring within fire regions (rather than a one size fits all approach) and protection of the area lakes from quagga and zebra mussels.

“I think what we should do is be pushing much harder,” said Macnabb of the need for action before the invasive species damage local waterways.

Other issues SILGA is looking at includes buying bulk for fire department equipment expenses in an effort to save money.

Solutions for doctor shortages are also being looked at, including the ‘grow your own doctor’ model.

“What we’re going to do is take people from the community, young people, and say, ‘you can be a doctor,’” said Macnabb.

Sending local people away for training and bringing them back home makes more sense than trying to persuade those from other regions to move.

“The success is shown in other professions,” said Macnabb.

SILGA’s annual convention takes place in Kamloops April 28 to May 1.


Vernon Morning Star