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Group wants to use park for family event

Jamie Baxter Park would be venue for June 30 forum

  • Jun. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The local army cadet group has asked the District for permission to continue to use Daisy air rifles as part of its indoor training program.

This follows a request from Captain Melissa Winsor of the local group — 3020 Royal Canadian Army Cadets — saying that the District of Houston’s new firearms bylaw, prohibits the use of firearms within municipal boundaries.

“There has been no property damage at any facility we have used, and our cadets are fully supervised from the time the rifles leave lock up until they are returned,” she said.

“The marksmanship program teaches firearm safety, respect fo the dangers of firearms and is a great discipline helping youth develop patience and a sense of measurable achievement.”

Winsor said there was a sense of urgency in gaining approval so that when cadet corps instructors visit in August, they can offer shooting as a part of the cadet summer training.

Council has asked its staffers to find a way to accommodate the request and that’s to prepare amendments to the firearms bylaw applicable to cadets and others.

Leisure facility loan produces income for District

Council will continue paying off the loan the District took out from the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) in 2006 to build the leisure facility, a decision that actually earns it money.

In laying out loan consideration scenarios, finance director Greg LeBlanc noted that the interest rate paid on the load iss set every five years with the new rate, as of the end of May, at 1.75 per cent.

“With MFA loans, the payment to the MFA earns the borrower interest until the load is paid in full,” LeBlanc said of actuarial calculations.

“Current the funds are accruin at 4 per cent due to the higher interest rates in 2006 whenn the loan was taken out. Because of this, the loan is earning more than it is costing the District.”

Council does have the option of cashing in term deposits to pay the loan out early but that continuing to make regularly scheduled would require $300,000 less in cash than paying off the loan early, LeBlanc continued.

The loan repayment, should council renew again in five years, would have the loan. which was for $2.407 million, paid off in 2031.

Houston Today