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Letters teaser

Growing up is hard enough already without having to live through a pandemic

University students share their feelings on an uncertain future

  • Sep. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

To the Editor;

The world is in a bit of an unusual place right now, and as the school year approaches, this unusualness can cause unease about the unknown in prospective students.

As prospective students ourselves, we share these feelings with all of you.

Not knowing what school will look like in September can lead to frustration and fear, which cause us to feel tentative about our future plans.

Particularly for university students like us, who will change our living arrangements and job opportunities depending on if school is online or in-person. This causes us a lot of stress to try and prosper in these times of uncertainty.

It’s moments like these that we need to trust in our best, and know that things will turn out.

We have to keep faith that this way of living will not last forever and that things will return to normal.

The uncertainty of if our science labs will become in-person before the semester is over, the trouble with finding a place to live, and a job to work at, are all things that we, and other university students will think about daily.

We know that growing up and moving out is hard enough already without having to live through a pandemic.

We must stay strong, and remember that we are all in this together.

Mackenzie Ransome and Flora Copley

Barriere, B.C.

Barriere Star Journal