Stacey Darren Alec pleaded guilty to three charges relating to child pornography at the Vernon law courts Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020. (Caitlin Clow - Morning Star)

Stacey Darren Alec pleaded guilty to three charges relating to child pornography at the Vernon law courts Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020. (Caitlin Clow - Morning Star)

Guilty plea in child porn charges for Vernon man

The man in his 50s will appear for sentencing Nov. 9

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A Vernon man has pleaded guilty to three charges relating to child pornography which were laid more than four years ago.

Stacey Darren Alec, born 1969, was charged in January 2016 with one count of possession of child pornography, one count of accessing child pornography and one count of importing/distributing child pornography.

Alec entered his guilty plea at the Vernon law courts Wednesday, Oct. 21. Judge Richard Hewson reserved his decision, and Alec is slated to appear in court for sentencing on Nov. 9.

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