Clearwater RCMP chase, apprehend prohibited driver

Clearwater RCMP remain on scene on Thursday, March 14 following an early morning warrant execution on a home in Blackpool, just off Highway 5 and Jenkins Road. A prohibited driver from the same residence fled RCMP in a rented U-Haul on April 8 and was apprehended on Tues. April 9 by police on Lemieux Creek Road. Charges are pending. (Photo by: Hettie Buck)Clearwater RCMP remain on scene on Thursday, March 14 following an early morning warrant execution on a home in Blackpool, just off Highway 5 and Jenkins Road. A prohibited driver from the same residence fled RCMP in a rented U-Haul on April 8 and was apprehended on Tues. April 9 by police on Lemieux Creek Road. Charges are pending. (Photo by: Hettie Buck)
Tactical Armoured Vehicle (TAV) headed back to ERT headquarters in Kelowna after being called out by Clearwater RCMP for support in apprehending a suspect known to police who fled on foot in a wooded area off Highway 24 on April 8. (Photo by: Barry Buck)Tactical Armoured Vehicle (TAV) headed back to ERT headquarters in Kelowna after being called out by Clearwater RCMP for support in apprehending a suspect known to police who fled on foot in a wooded area off Highway 24 on April 8. (Photo by: Barry Buck)
Tactical Armoured Vehicle (TAV) used by the Southeast District Emergency Response Team (SED ERT) to assist in critical incidents was called out in support of Clearwater RCMP seeking a suspect that abandoned a rental U-Haul which he was driving while prohibited. RCMP found a 9mm magazine and handgun the suspect discarded when he fled the scene. (Photo by: Barry Buck)Tactical Armoured Vehicle (TAV) used by the Southeast District Emergency Response Team (SED ERT) to assist in critical incidents was called out in support of Clearwater RCMP seeking a suspect that abandoned a rental U-Haul which he was driving while prohibited. RCMP found a 9mm magazine and handgun the suspect discarded when he fled the scene. (Photo by: Barry Buck)

Clearwater RCMP called in support from the Southeast District Emergency Response Team (SED ERT) late Monday night at approximately midnight on April 8 when a U-Haul was spotted at a residence that has been under surveillance on Jenkins Road in Clearwater by an on duty officer. The rental vehicle was driven by a prohibited driver known to police.

Clearwater RCMP member, Const. Klassen, followed the U-Haul and noted it was driving “quite erratically” reports detachment commander, Sgt. Grant Simpson.

The U-Haul turned around at Little Fort according to Simpson realizing police were behind him speeding up Highway 24 with RCMP in pursuit turning onto Lemieux Creek Road.

“At that point Const. Klassen activated his emergency equipment. The suspect pulled the U-Haul into a driveway and became high centered in the driveway and then took off on foot into nearby bush.”

Simpson says this is typical behaviour of this repeat offender and not the first time police have tracked him down like this.

“Upon leaving the vehicle the suspect dropped a bag which he discarded fairly quickly after leaving the vehicle. Const. Klassen retrieved the bag and found a 9mm magazine inside at which time the officer stopped the pursuit and wisely so,” said Simpson.

Because a firearm was involved critical incident command was immediately notified activating ERT response along with two dog teams, drones and a Tactical Armoured Vehicle (TAV) to engage in a search for the suspect.

“He had a lot of time to get away before ERT or the dog teams arrived. Const. Klassen called out a back up member right away but with just two or three members in such a large rural area it’s hard to contain it. Our members did the best that they could.”

Sgt. Simpson says this isn’t the first time this suspect has done this and that he is known to run to escape police because he is driving while prohibited.

The police continued to search the area and at approximately 2:30 p.m. Const. Meyer and Sgt. Simpson apprehended the suspect in the Lemieux Creek area. He is being held pending charges.

This story was updated to clarify a 9mm magazine was tossed, not a gun
