Habitat for Humanity fundraising dance

  • May. 27, 2015 1:00 p.m.

It is the most talked about event of the season; depending on who you ask of course.

“Dancing Under The Stars,” scheduled for June 6, has been a topic of conversation for Habitat for Humanity VIN since January 2015 when planning began.

It was HFHVIN communications and marketing consultant Karen Bezaire who wanted to develop a signature yearly event that both communities – Campbell River and Comox Valley – could look forward to; an exciting fundraiser but also an opportunity to give back to Habitat’s supporters, donors and volunteers.

“Once we got started with the planning we were pleasantly surprised to find large dancing communities here in the Valley,” said Bezaire.

The event is more of a production with a headliner band coming from Vancouver, Locarno, who is currently booked for MusicFest this year.

Professional dancers from Victoria will be performing along with some dance instruction for those that would like to learn a few salsa moves.

“We have tried to focus on the arts; dance, music, and food with a theme centered on Latin America. Building homes is something we are passionate about, but so is building community. This event is not only a fundraiser but a chance to bring two communities together,” said Bezaire.

Spirits are provided by Coastal Black Winery and Gladstone Brewing Company who are teaming up for this event.

The event will be held at the Coastal Black’s outdoor venue, which holds 280 people. They will dine on Latin American tapas from Beez Kneez Catering, and enjoy the dynamic Latin American pop infusion band Locarno. This evening was organized to inspire the community to not only experience the Latin culture but to raise awareness of the need for safe, affordable housing in the North Island. Several restaurants in both communities will be vying for best salsa recipe on the North Island. Tickets can be purchased in person at the ReStore in Campbell River or Courtenay, Gladstone Brewing Company and Coastal Black Winery, or online at habitatnorthisland.com


Comox Valley Record