Habitat restoration plans of Project Watershed at AGM

Thursday June 4 at North Island College, 3:30 p.m.

  • May. 30, 2015 4:00 p.m.

The Comox Valley Project Watershed Society will hold its 22nd Annual General Meeting on Thursday June 4 at North Island College, 3:30 p.m. in the Komoux Boardroom, KX-146,

“This year’s meeting will feature a brief description of major stewardship project plans for the next five years including a kelp restoration project in the estuary which started this spring, a preview of our interactive estuary map which will be released this year, an overview of our Air Park Lagoon Breach Project which will start in a few weeks, and our long term vision to restore the old Field site to its natural state with walking trails, lookouts, and cycling paths,” reports Paul Horgen Board Chair.

An historic Memorandum of Understanding between North Island College and Project Watershed will be signed at the meeting, to allow both parties to work together on projects and provide NIC students with opportunities to involve themselves in restoration, mapping and blue carbon projects in the estuary.

“This special AGM is an opportunity for Comox Valley residents to look into the future and see how cooperative efforts can benefit our community and its beautiful environment,” says Christine Hodgson NIC retiring biology chair and lead scientist on Project Watershed’s Blue Carbon project.  She will give the keynote talk on the two-year efforts of this project funded by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, a Canadian, Mexican and American  program.

The AGM will commence with opening comments from President John Bowman at 4 p.m.  Refreshments will be available at 3:30 p.m.  Further information is available on the Project Watershed Website or by calling 250 703 2871.


Comox Valley Record